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          Fly Gliders At                          Located In Cherry Valley, Arkansas



Types of Memberships & Fees

Before one joins an organization they want to know a number of factors, with cost being at or close to the top of the list.  First of all we are a club, as opposed to a flight school.  As such, we are an all-volunteer organization that can only function as well as its members are willing to help.  Nobody gets paid or is given financial consideration for what they do at MSS.  Instructors, tow pilots, those who mow the grass and maintain our fleet mechanically are all volunteers.  As such  we desire members who will do whatever tasks they are able and best suited to do.  Please keep this in mind as you explore the possibility of a membership with Memphis Soaring.

As to cost, click HERE to view a discussion on the cost of one's obtaining a private glider license if they have never flown before.

Below you will find a summary of the various membership types offered at MSS.  Billing is done using tickets for flight activity and merchandise purchases (Hats, t-shirts, etc.).  These items are added to your account and a statement summarizing them comes via e-mail soon after months end.  

Statement payment terms are 30 days from statement date.  Credit cards and ACH are accepted with a surcharge of 3% for CC and a $1.00 flat fee for ACH payments.  Membership initiation fees shown below, if paid via credit card or ACH, are fee-waived.  Select the "Bill me" option on the membership form to pay from your first statement.

MSS Membership Application    (Downloads to your download folder)

  • $400.00 (One time initiation fee.)
  • Initiation Fee payment options are to pay in full OR to remit $100.00 up front and $25.00 per month for 12 months.
  • Includes $75.00 for 1st year SSA* dues for primary member.
  • Includes textbook and logbook, up to a $60 value.
  • Membership applies to spouse and children up to 21 years of age.
  • Additional family members will be charged $46 for annual SSA dues.
  • $56.00 monthly dues ($50/month MSS club dues plus $6/month SSA dues)
  • Monthly dues include an amount that covers next years SSA* dues. (For primary member.)
  • Fee Waived.
  • For teenagers aged 13-19.
  • Includes the teens' first year's membership in the Soaring Society of America, required texts and a logbook.
  • $28.75 monthly dues ($25/month MSS club dues plus $3.75/ month SSA Dues).
  • First 4 months dues ($114) is due upon application.
  • Membership converts to a Full membership on his/her 20th birthday.
  • Note:  If either parent is flying with MSS, the family would fall under the club's Full membership as indicated above.
  • MSS retains the right to limit the number of these memberships to ensure its ability to meet the needs of its members/stiudents.
College Student
  • $100.00
  • $300.00 is due upon graduation, or leaving college for any reason, if the member wishes to continue flying.
  • If not an SSA* member, $75.00 will be collected for SSA* dues.
  • $56.00 Monthly Dues ($50/month MSS club dues plus $6/month SSA dues)
  • Monthly dues include an amount that covers next years SSA* dues.
  • $100.00
  • For person who reside outside of the geographic location.
  • Membership is from 1 month up to a year.
  • $300.00 is due if the person remains in the area for over 1 year.
  • If not an SSA* member, $75.00 will be collected for SSA* dues.
  • $50.00 Monthly Dues
  • $50.00
  • For person who reside outside of the geographic location.
  • Membership is from 2 days up to 1 month.
  • If not an SSA* member, $75.00 will be collected for SSA* dues.
  • Visiting membership can not be renewed without a break of at least one month.
  • A local checkout is required.  Please advise in advance of your intention to use this membership.
  • $50.00
  • For persons who reside outside of the geographic location and are a member of another soaring club.
  • Membership is from 2 days up to 1 month.
  • If not an SSA* member, $75.00 will be collected for SSA* dues.
  • Reciprocal membership can not be renewed without a break of at least one month.
  • Must be a member of a club who uses the SSA chapter insurance with proof of such membership confirmed before flying.
  • $125
  • For persons thinking about taking up soaring.
  • Fee covers the cost of one flight with a licensed club member.

*SSA = Soaring Society of America